Michelle Hoover

Michelle Hoover

Michelle Hoover •

Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your artistic background?

I have always enjoyed art and always tended to blur the line between 2D and 3D work. I mainly concentrated in watercolor work before expanding to 3D paper art. I still use my watercolor painting to create custom colors and designs for the pieces that I work on now as well as continuing to do watercolor illustrations.

©Michelle Hoover

What drew you to your particular art form or medium?

My 3D paper work started when I created most of the florals for my wedding. Then things kind of fell into place. People liked them and I decided to pursue the medium further.

How long have you used Rock Paper in your artwork?

I've been using rock paper for about 2 years. I discovered them on Instagram and promptly ordered a sample. I was doing all of the centerpieces for a couple friends that were getting married. One of them was studying for her doctorate in Marine geology and I thought she would appreciate making some of their flowers out of rocks! I then transitioned to using it for head pieces as well since I live close to New Orleans and head pieces for Mardi Gras are big deal down here. The waterproof nature of the paper is really helpful.

©Michelle Hoover

Do you have any tips or advice for other artists who are considering using Rock Paper for their own work?

Experiment with it. It's a lot more versatile than normal paper. See what weird things work.

See more of Michelle’s work on Instagram


Thank you so much Michelle for sharing your artwork with us! We are excited to see more.

All copy and artwork used with permission was provided by the Featured Artist.

Artwork copyrights in this article belong to Michelle Hoover